Historically it has been the duty of the Church to educate its members in regard to Doctrine and Theology. There are many denominations who do a reasonably to outstanding job at this, but there are others that are woefully lacking in these areas. Sure, all Churches, for the most part, have Sunday School classes available to its members, the way down to the toddlers, and yet many Christians would be hard pressed to provide a reasonable explanation, or confession, in regard to what they believe.
It is not just one denomination that is guilty of this, though some are worse than others. One thing that has shown itself to be reasonably true is that the more liberal the Church the more lax they are in their Doctrine and Theology which ends up being a self perpetuating problem. This has led to the compromization of some very important Doctrinal and Theological truths from Baptism to Communion.
For these reasons I have decided to start this blog that will highlight these very important issues as seen through the lens of the Reformed Faith, specifically Presbyterian, with a little Christian Reformed thrown in for good measure. As you will see in the side-bar to the right I have linked to some very important documents that, in conjunction with The Bible, are foundational to the Reformed Faith, on which many protestant denominations are founded.
I will be referring back and forth to these throughout the upcoming posts. I will also be doing my utmost to avoid using language that is confusing and difficult to understand, as well as clarifying many of the terms some of the more learned Christians use in their discussions on Doctrine and Theology.
My ultimate goal in this endeavor is to provide a way for the lay-Christian to become better acquainted with the Reformed Faith. And by this I mean that will not have to have attended seminary to understand the upcoming discussions.
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation. And if you feel up to it, feel free to participate.